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De cerca nadie es normal

De cerca nadie es normal - Sol Rezza - 2021

De cerca nadie es Normal is a sound work composed by Sol Rezza, commissioned by the Centro de Arte Sonoro CASo and Cantera Centro Cultural Kirchner, which accompanies fragments of the historical documentary “Por tierras argentinas” by the Argentinean filmmaker Federico Valle.

“An algorithm is an opinion expressed in code.”

De cerca nadie es normal explores and discusses the notions of homeland, work and future. The Centro de Arte Sonoro CASo and Cantera Centro Cultural Kirchner invited composers Sol Rezza, Agustina Wetzel y Cecilia Castro to rethink the sound of this silent film directed by Federico del Valle in 1929, which portrays Argentina in the 1920s.

The black and white film travels through the different regions from north to south, showing the landscapes and the work of the factory workers, capturing the view of the time on the project of the country of the Generation of the ’80s. The film, an exponent of Argentine silent films, was conceived as an institutional production so that the world would get to know the goodness of the Argentine territory.

Through this sound storytelling, Sol Rezza proposes a series of questions: How do we define colonization and colonialism in this era? What are the real technological advances of a country? How does the phenomenon of migration influence the construction of societies? What was the role of women in society, and what has changed?

Rezza looks for some answers to these questions in the letters and writings of Victoria Ocampo and Virginia Woolf, current news and fragments of Isaac Asimov’s novel I, Robot, forming a play of words, emotions and sounds that recreate a social imaginary of a very special country.

Original Title: De cerca nadie es normal ©

Year of production: 2020

Premiere: 21.10.2020

Language: Spanish

Running time in mm:ss: 14:02

Format: Digitial | Full HD | .MOV H.264 .MP4

Audio: 2.0

Producción / Comisionado por: Centro de Arte Sonoro CAso | CanteraCentro Cultural Kirchner| Script / Sound Design / Composition: Sol Rezza |Based on the original film: Por tierras Argentinas (1929) by Federico del Valle | Production: Florencia Curci / Unmparo AguilarPartners: Centro Cultural Kirchner / Centro de Arte Sonoro CAso / Archivo General de la Nación

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